A woodland oasis hides behind a suburban York County home.
Two cascading waterfalls roll with the contours of a hill spotted with towering trees. Lush pachysandra frames a rock-lined pond dotted with about 20 neon orange and white fish. A gazebo, draped with white string lights, stands watch within feet of the water.
“You don’t feel like you’re in a big neighborhood with all the trees and our pond,” said Jenny, who shares this paradise with her husband, Michael. “It just feels like our own little vacation spot.”
But their yard didn’t always look this way.
Jenny and Michael moved into their home about six years ago. The pond came along with it.
The couple soon realized they lacked the know-how to keep their new water feature running. It leaked, and the look lacked the polish they hoped to see in the focal point of their backyard.
Michael and Jenny stumbled on Splash Supply Company less than a year after moving into their new home. They haven’t look back since.
Splash helped the couple with maintenance before stepping in to redesign the pond and waterfalls. The new design expanded and rearranged the existing pond to fit the shape of the surrounding landscape, while adding lights that illuminate every water droplet after sunset.
The installation process for the hand-dug renovations included no surprises, Jenny said, and turned out better than they could have imagined.
Now, the couple enjoys quiet dinners and glasses of wine in their pondside gazebo, and their children – ages 10 through 17 – enjoy picking out and naming new fish for their backyard oasis.
“It was a pretty pond,” Jenny said, “but this is a beautiful pond.”