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We define a Lake or Farm Pond as any body of water that is larger or deeper than a typical backyard water garden.

These ponds are often unlined, and usually lack the kinds of filters found on backyard koi ponds. They include farm ponds, stormwater retention ponds, HOA ponds, spring-fed ponds and some fishing and recreation ponds (like Kiwanis Lake in downtown York). They can range in size from 1/4 acre to 8 acres or more.

Lakes and farm ponds can make a fantastic addition to parks or large properties – and, with the right tools, don’t have to take a lot of work to maintain.

We offer fountains, aeration systems and water treatments for existing lakes and farm ponds, as well as professional maintenance plans. Or if you don’t have a pond yet, we can build the one you’ve always dreamed of.

Browse our resources below, or visit us in York, PA to learn more.