York’s ONLY Â Authorized AquascapePro Distributor.
AquascapePro™Â and Aquascape™ Consumer complete inventory in stock We specialize in servicing Certified Aquascape Contractors in York, Lancaster, & Baltimore (FREE Delivery Available to Most Job Sites)  ÂOur store is overflowing with lots of of other really cool stuff for your backyard!
Domestic and Imported Koi    Standard and Butterfly Koi    Goldfish    Aquatic Plants    Water Lilies    Lotus    100’s of Marginal Bog Plants   Aquatic Soil
Fire Bowls
Landscape Lighting
Rain Barrels
Faux Rocks
Outdoor Speakers
Decorative Garden Gifts
Rain Chains
Cole’s Premium Bird Seed
Droll Yankee Bird Feeders
Aquatic Herbicides
Pond Lake Water Treatments
Pond and Lake Weed Control
Pond and Lake Management Plans
Farm Pond Aeration Systemsg
Fish Care
Water Treatments
Pond Kits
Pondless Waterfall Kits
Pressure Filters
UV Clarifiers
Aquatic Plants
Pipe and Tubing
Plumbing Fittings
Installation Tools
Stone Composit Decoratives
Brass Decorative
Seasonal Pond Care
Looking for quality pond supplies? Download our free catalog for water feature options you can sprinkle throughout your landscape. Once you find what you’re looking for, give us a call 717.751.2108 or stop by today!
(Hours & Directions)
Do you prefer to have someone install your water feature for you? Call us today 717.751.2108 and we can refer you to a qualified contractor in your area.