Fish are very sensitive to changes in water temperature and water chemistry. That’s why you need to use caution when introducing new residents to your pond.
Check out our guide below for introducing your finned friends fo their new home.
How to Introduce Fish to Your Pond

- Float the bag holding your new fish in the pond for 30 minutes
- Add approximately 1 cup of pond water to the bag
- Float bag for 10 minutes in pond
- Add another 1 cup of pond water to the bag
- Float bag for another 10 minutes
- Add a final 1 cup of pond water to the bag
- Float bag for a final 10 minutes
- Individually release fish by hand into the pond
- Total acclimation time - 1 hour
Seem like a lot to remember? Don’t worry; we’ll give you a card with these instructions at checkout when you buy your fish from Splash.
Other Tips for New Fish:
- Make sure to apply Pond Detoxifier before introducing fish to newly filled ponds. (Available at Splash or through our Online Store).
- You can also optionally treat any pond with Protect and switch to Probiotic Fish Food to help ease fish through the stressful moving process.
- Wondering if you have enough space in your pond for new fish? Check out this article from our Learning Center for guidelines. (Hint: The answer has to do with the quality of your filtration).
- Finally, remember that you should only buy fish from reputable retailers (preferably Splash …) to ensure your new additions aren’t passing parasites or viruses to your existing residents.